Cord Blood Banking Clearinghouse

A comprehensive source of information regarding cord blood, cord blood banks and banking, cord blood donation and storage, cord blood registry, potential and real medical benefits of banking, and all other issues related to umbilical cord blood. Fair and regularly updated, Cord Blood Banking Clearinghouse should be one's first stop for cord blood research.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Does Branson Approach Avoid Common Concerns

Banking cord blood. Almost everyone agrees it makes sense to maintain umbilical cord blood and that there's no sense in wasting/discarding it. But what arrangement works best for storage? That's the contentious question.

While some (particularly in the for-profit sector) argue that individualized, private blood banking makes sense, others (often in the public health sphere) maintain that a national or international donation-fed cord blood bank is a better solution.

Richard Branson and the Virgin Stem Cell Bank may have a solution. The rebel billionaire's plan calls for collected umbilical cord blood to be split into two units. One will be retained under a private banking plan for those sold on the idea. The other half will be donated to appropriate national cord blood facilities.

Branson's bank may or may not succeed, but the underlying idea of providing a service to those able and willing to pay for it while simultaneously feeding public cord blood banks does seem like an interesting compromise to a difficult difference of opinions.

You can read more about the Virgin Bank here.
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