Cord Blood Banking Clearinghouse

A comprehensive source of information regarding cord blood, cord blood banks and banking, cord blood donation and storage, cord blood registry, potential and real medical benefits of banking, and all other issues related to umbilical cord blood. Fair and regularly updated, Cord Blood Banking Clearinghouse should be one's first stop for cord blood research.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Cord Blood Work Yields Liver Segments

Researchers claim they have the capability to grow segments of human liver tissue using stem cells obtained from umbilical cord blood. Although the claim is not yet backed by refereed scientific research, its possibilities are fascinating.

Even the researchers recognize that "growing" new livers may be many years away, but partial livers would provide scientists with an opportunity to test treatments and drugs and conduct research without risk to living animals or people.

According to a BBC report, the scientists behind the liver claim plan to monetize their discovery:

"Researchers Dr Nico Forraz and Professor Colin McGuckin have started a company called ConoStem in an effort to market their stem cell work."

The report provides an interesting look at the potential of such discoveries and the ethical issues they may raise.
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