Cord Blood Banking Clearinghouse

A comprehensive source of information regarding cord blood, cord blood banks and banking, cord blood donation and storage, cord blood registry, potential and real medical benefits of banking, and all other issues related to umbilical cord blood. Fair and regularly updated, Cord Blood Banking Clearinghouse should be one's first stop for cord blood research.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Overview of Umbilical Cord Blood and Banking

Every once in awhile, I like to point your attention to online resources that cover the very basics of cord blood and umbilical cord blood banking. For those addressing the issue on a personal level for the first time, these basic overviews can be very helpful.

"Shallow Thoughts to Profound Insight" offers a nice encapsulation of umbilical cord blood. It discusses what it is, why it may be important and provides some general information about cord blood banking.


"Now comes the most important question - Should you bank your baby's cord blood? I am not a medical professional, so what I am expressing are only my thoughts on this. I think you should, if you and your immediate family members have a genetic predisposition to any of the treatable diseases mentioned above. If thallasemia runs in your family it would be worthwhile to store the cord blood."

If you're looking for some basic information on this fascinating topic, you may want to include this stop on your journey.
Baby Corner
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