Cord Blood Banking Clearinghouse

A comprehensive source of information regarding cord blood, cord blood banks and banking, cord blood donation and storage, cord blood registry, potential and real medical benefits of banking, and all other issues related to umbilical cord blood. Fair and regularly updated, Cord Blood Banking Clearinghouse should be one's first stop for cord blood research.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Malaysian Officials Wary of Stem Cell Claims

Malaysia's Health Minister recently warned citizens to be suspicious of claims made regarding the use of stem cells in the treatment of various diseases. Apparently, at least a handful of Malaysian doctors have been making claims regarding stem cell-based treatments that lack sufficient scientific evidence to support them.

"The Star", a Malaysian newspaper, also reports that the government there is less than happy with claims made by cord blood banking facilities. Malaysian officials seem less than optimistic about private cord blood banking and are, for all purposes, discouraging the practice.

"The Star" noted:

"Dr Chua said baseless claims by companies had attracted many new mothers who fork out money to keep their baby’s umbilical cord blood stem cells in special bank set up by private companies.

“What guarantee is there that the cord blood can be used five to 10 years down the road?

“Mothers or families who keep the stem cell cord blood have high hopes that it would be their medical insurance should they need it one day although medical data does not support its role in this matter,” he added."

You can read more about Malaysia and cord blood banking here.

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