Friday, July 28, 2006
car insurance notes....
Thursday, July 20, 2006

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Monday, July 10, 2006
Information on Choosing a Cord Blood Bank
Note that the article presupposes the desirability of cord blood banking and does not address arguments against the practice. Although not a comprehensive look at cord blood harvesting and storage, it is interesting.
"Once you have made the decision to invest in your family’s future by banking your baby’s umbilical cord blood, begin the search for the right cord blood bank. There are numerous cord blood banks all over the country that serve as storage facilities for this crucial item, so make your decision carefully. Many parents find this search daunting, simply due to the sheer number of facilities available."
BBC Reports Story Critical of Cord Blood Banking
Although one may take exception to some of the argument, it does show just how controversial the cord blood banking industry has become in the UK.
"Thousands of couples have already paid up to £1,500 to store samples which could potentially be used in the treatment of disease.
But a Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists report said there was "insufficient evidence" to recommend the practice."
Cord Blood Banking Guide...
"What is cord blood banking?
Cord blood banking is when blood is taken from the baby's umbilical cord and stored after birth.
Why is the blood stored?
The blood is a rich source of stem cells, the so-called building blocks of life, which are able to turn into many different types of tissue in the body. They are currently used to treat conditions that would otherwise need transplants from bone marrow donations."

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