Cord Blood Banking Clearinghouse

A comprehensive source of information regarding cord blood, cord blood banks and banking, cord blood donation and storage, cord blood registry, potential and real medical benefits of banking, and all other issues related to umbilical cord blood. Fair and regularly updated, Cord Blood Banking Clearinghouse should be one's first stop for cord blood research.

Monday, July 10, 2006

BBC Reports Story Critical of Cord Blood Banking

The BBC reports on an announcement by British experts critical of the cord blook banking industry here.

Although one may take exception to some of the argument, it does show just how controversial the cord blood banking industry has become in the UK.


"Thousands of couples have already paid up to £1,500 to store samples which could potentially be used in the treatment of disease.

But a Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists report said there was "insufficient evidence" to recommend the practice."

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