After mentioning Parent's Guide to Cord Blood Banks in my
previous post, I noticed that their site mentioned this one. Unfortunately, their assessment of Cord Blood Banking Clearinghouse is inaccurate. I thought I'd take a moment to explain the nature of this blog and my intentions in order to clear up any misunderstandings.
Parent's Guide to Cord Blood
describes the blog like this:
A blog where all content is written by an anonymous Resident Expert who clearly works for a bank."
Well, they're right about the "Resident Expert" thing. They're wrong about the rest of it.
"Resident Expert" shows up as the post author because I actually operate a series of blogs with the same account and needed a author tag that made sense for all of them. I don't utilize my real name due to privacy considerations and other issues related to the content and topic matter of other ventures and the desire to keep elements of professional life separated.
Does the lack of a name and/or specific qualifications damage the credibility of this blog? Perhaps. On the other hand, I always cite referenced source material and try to make it clear when any of my own opinion creeps into discussions.
I am not employed by an umbilical cord bank. I have no direct affiliation with any cord blood bank, storage facility, etc. It is true that this blog accepts advertising, particularly in the form of Google Adsense ads. This may result in ads for various banks appearing on the site. When those ads are clicked, I am paid a small sum. I'm not, however, beholden to any outside firm or corporation and the presence of those automatically-served ads has no impact on editorial content.
The site does feature links to sites that may include cord blood banks. These links are reciprocal and were established in an effort to assist in search engine indexing and search optimization. They were built early in the blog's history as a means of putting the blog "on the map". The accompanying text may create a sense of advertising, but I don't personally endorse or recommend any linked entity.
I am paid for some posts. A full disclosure statement is located at the bottom of the blog. I am yet to be paid for any post directly related to umbilical cord blood banking or storage and doubt that situation will ever arise.
So, if I'm not cashing a check from a cord blood bank and I'm not affiliated with any of the companies in the industry, why am I blogging about it, right?
To be honest, the project started as an experiment in generating advertising revenue via blogging. That's right, it's basically a for-profit endeavor. I was experimenting with keyword research and relatively high-paying contextual advertising topics when I found that umbilical cord blood banking seemed to have potential. The private firms out there are in a heated competition for clients and they are willing to pay a fairly substantial sum for targeted advertising.
I built the blog with that in mind. I hoped to drive traffic to this site and to generate earnings via the contextual advertising. The topic area, initially, was chosen purely as a matter of financial potential.
Unlike some other experiments, Cord Blood Banking Clearinghouse was not particularly successful. Traffic totals were lower than expected and earnings suffered. I basically shelved the blog for awhile, not necessarily planning to return to it.
In the meantime, any chance I had of making Cord Blood Banking Clearinghouse a top performer in its niche had passed. Others with more SEO skills and content acquisition talents had focused their attention on the subject matter.
Then, a few things happened. First, I started reading more news about the topic and realized I had developed a genuine interest in it. That coincided with the birth of my daughter and a decision to donate her cord blood. That decision was spurred, primarily, by what I had learned as the author of this blog. Second, I discovered additional means of monetization in the form of paid postings. I returned to the blog with greater regularity to provide updates, etc.
Today, Cord Blood Banking Clearinghouse is operated as a for-profit endeavor. I earn via the contextual advertising and sponsored postings. I don't earn based on the politics or commercial implications of my content to the cord blood industry.
This blog is less of a research project or personal attempt at swaying public opinion than it is a news aggregation site. I look for stories and information about cord blood and umbilical cord blood banking and comment on them, supplying readers with direct links to those resources. As noted, I try to separate personal opinion and make those moments crystal-clear to the reader.
Is Cord Blood Banking Clearinghouse the perfect resource for the subject matter? Not even close. I think that sites like The Parent's Guide to Cord Blood Banks offer
far superior original content and can be a great resource. I also believe that some of the information coming from cord blood banks and those with direct financial ties to them can be useful. There are also incredibly biased slams of banking operations, statements released purely to generate business for banks, misinformation, wrong information, outrageous statements of medical potential and enthralling stories of medical and technological breakthroughs. Cord blood is a fascinating topic. It combines the most personal aspects of life and decision making with politics, science and ethics.
I have my opinions, which are always subject to change as I learn more. But this is less about my opinions than it is providing a variety of perspectives and exploring different aspects of the topic. I do make a little money from the project, but probably not enough to justify the limited time I spend on it.
The Cord Blood Banking Clearinghouse is what it is. It's a small site that aggregates and comments upon cord blood-related news and opinion pieces. It's not a mouthpiece for banks or any other entity.
I hope everyone who visits finds something interesting on the topic of cord blood and/or is inspired to learn more.
Yours truly,
Resident Expert