Why Parents DON'T Bank Cord Blood

The rationales that led people not to bank cord blood are varied, but the most common explanation was the expense involved in the process. Others sited a statistically slight risk of needing the cord blood and at least one even mentioned possible security concerns.
Here are a few of the many reactions:
Reader Three: "I seriously considered and did quite a bit of research on banking, but when I asked my ob-gyn and she said it was a money-making scam unless we had a history of stem-cell disease in our immediate family, I decided against it. She was right on the money with all the other answers she gave us, so I believed her on this. In the end, do what you feel is best. A mom knows."
Reader Four: "I think it's a really good idea to bank the umbilical cord blood -- if you can afford it. It's just not a reasonable cost for the average person. The cost is astronomical! I just couldn't do it."
Reader Five: "It sounded like a great idea, but it was way too expensive for our meager budget to afford up front. Plus there are continued storing costs."
Reader Six: "No, I did not bank the cord blood. I donated it to the San Diego Blood Bank. They use it to help save lots of kids every year. Hopefully if any of my children ever need it, someone else's donation will save them."
Read 'em all here.
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